Friday, July 14, 2006

Phnom Penh

A quick update:The day before yesterday, as we were in Angkor Wat, we were at a temple called Ta Phrom which is a huge temple that has been overrun by the jungle. the french, who rediscovered Angkor Wat, wanted to show how the temples looked when the found them. Nevertheless, this temple was one of my favorites. It had huge trees growing on top of the walls. It started to downpour and we had to take shelter in the temple along with all of the other tourists. We met some girls from Canada. They are traveling for a year in Asia. I thought that would be pretty cool, except it probably would get too frustrating for me to not have a purpose but to sight see for a year. They of course asked us what we were doing. And when they found out we were from Utah, they asked if we were mormon. I guess one of them went to the temple viewing before it was dedicated in their city and had some questions about baptism for the dead and sealings. So we had our conversation about the temple inside a different temple.Yesterday we took a bus ride from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh which was great. We got to see the countryside. On the main highway, people drive motorcycles going 20 miles an hour with 3 to 4 people on them, or chickens or pigs. We had to swerve around them. There were also horse drawn carriages hauling wood. It was a strange contrast to see, however, when we got to Phnom Penh the shacks and the new high rise condos in the city. When we got off the bus, there were 20-30 tuk tuk drivers all fighting for our business. I felt like a fish on the deck full of seagulls. A couple of them would stick with you the whole time as you walked around looking for your back and kept asking for your business. Luckily, our tuk tuk driver in Siem Reap called his friend to come pick us up. We then went to the market. I bought a watch that definitely is the style of a man's watch but has I love you blinking on the screen with the time for a couple of bucks. Now that I look at it I think it was stolen. The market was huge. Anne and I decided to find our way back to our hostel by walking. It was pretty fun and quite the adventure. There are tons of cars and no street lights. To cross the street, you have to walk into the road and the cars swerve or stop for you.We are off to see the killing fields, the kings palace, and the silver pagoda so I will write later.Scott

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