Sunday, July 9, 2006

Beaching it.

I have been a slacker and haven't written so I apologize if I freaked you out parents. Anyways last weekend we were in Cha Am and stayed on the beach. And that is all I can say because it was relaxing. We came back to Bangkok sunday afternoon. We went and saw the golden palace(former home of the king), Wat Phraw Kao which holds an emerald Buddha about 2 feet tall, and Wat Arun. We then were walking to find a place to eat when it started downpouring. We went to an indian restaurant down an alley way that was recommended by the travel book. It was some of the best Indian food that I ever had and cheapest.The next monday we learned about malaria and dengue vectors again. We saw how they test insecticides including the citronella smoke which actually works! It was pretty cool. We then took off that afternoon to go buy our plane tickets for the other places we are going. MOM HERE IS OUR ITENERY Tomorrow we leave for cambodia and will be in Angor Wat for 3 days and in Pnom Phen for a day. We then go to Vietnam (Danang) for 4 days and then we go to the beaches of Hue we then go to Hanoi and fly to Lampabrang in Laos July 26. And come back to Bangkok July 30 . The flights are definite. And the plans are pretty set in stone. I don'[t have my calendar to give you the exact dates but this should tie you over for right now.Tuesday of last week, we learned about the AIDS vaccine trials that are taking place in Thailand. It is under stage 2 in people in some of the provinces here in Thailand so maybe within the next 10 years it might be out for the public. The people were afraid of it at first (it doesn't have a live virus) but with T hailands infrastructure and HIV dense population it was the best place for the world to put it to the test. We also learned more about Dengue and it's vaccine. I am having a brain fart and can't remember the other things we did on Tues or Wed.The last couple of days we went to Ko Sumet. It is an island off the southern coast. It had white sandy beaches and it was great. My watch didn't survive the wave unfortunately So I have to look for one from the venders here. I also got pretty fried.Well next time I write I will be in Cambodia

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