Thursday, July 27, 2006

Loving Lao

We are in Lao! It is amazing. Last night we stayed in Vietien and we took an 8 hour bus ride to Lam Prabang where we are now. The drive was an adventure in itself. lao has jutting green mountains and skinny skinny roads with sharp cliffs on the side. It reminds me a lot like Ecuador except with less development and people. All we could see were tiny thatched roof villages. But it was entertaining to watch the people as we passed. You got tiny glimpses of peoples lives: children swimming naked in the rivers, men with triangle hats picking rice and plowing the rice paddies, women working in thier kitchens with children in slings on their backs, old men and women talking and laughing together. It was pretty interesting although it was only for 2 seconds as you passed them by, but you could guess if people were suffering or happy by the expressions on their faces.last night we went to a PakIndiThaiLao restaurant. It had food from those four different countries and one chef. The food was excellent and we met the cook who was pakistani. The meal cost $2. I am definately trying to get my fill of Asian food while I can for so cheap.Yesterday we had a little ordeal at the airport. Our flight was supposed to leave at 830, so we got to the airport at 630. When we got there we found out it was delayed to 1230pm then to 430pm twenty minutes after we checked in. The airline put us up in a hotel and paid for our food. We got to the airport at 3 to catch our flight and found out it was delayed to 630 that night. They bought us drinks to ease our pain. So it was waste of a day especially because it was an hour flight, but if we would have taken the bus it would have been 15 hours so it was alright to wait.I don't know if I wrote to tell you about seeing Uncle Ho (what they call Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi) we got there too late and only saw the moseleum from the outside. we saw the museum of ethnology which was really cool. They had people from the different tribes in Vietnam come and build traditional buildings on the grounds and they were huge and interesting. I can't remember if we have a museum of ethnology in Utah.Well hope you aren't baking too much in Utah

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