Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Motorcycles and Hue Vietnam

Yesterday we went on a tour of the My Son ruins. It was a holy spot for the Cham people and they would come to worship there twice a year. They are a matriarcal society that now lives in southern vietnam. When they are going to get married, a girl has a party with all of the single men and then she picks the one that she wants. And they go down the list until one of the guys agrees. The women make all of the governing decisions and the guys stay home with the kids. It was bombed heavily by the U.S. during the war because the Viet Cong were hiding there. our guide told us that the Viet Cong found the US troops there because they had stepped on a mimosa plant which fold in on itself when disturbed. So by the plants they could tell the location of the US troops. We then went to the beach and had a great time.Today we went north to Hue which used to be the capital of Vietnam. We took an awesome tour of the city on motorcylces. We saw the tombs of past kings and rice paddies and a bridge that was built in 1776 and the wood is still in great shape. We also went to Bunker Hill and we saw hamburger hill from a distance. They dont let people go there because there are still tons of land mines. We had an awesome day. I think that everybody should see Vietnam on the back of a motorcycle. We will be in Hue for the next two days. It is interesting to see lots of old women and not very many old men because of the war. hope that everybody is happy. It sounds like it is hot in Utah.

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