Thursday, September 26, 2002

Putting my foot in my mouth

know that you guys have been waiting attentively for my next email so Ithought that I would spare you the nervous anticipation. I just came out of atest so I can only think in sophesticated big words that work in spanish andenglish.Well, I have to tell you that I have been learning to appreciate the wonderfulworld of washers and dryers. There is no laundramat here but there is a womenthat will wash your clothes for $1.50 a kilo. That is OK for me because Iwear my clothes until they are filthy, but for my garments I have to wash themby hand. I don�t know if any of you have had to do that but it takes a lot oftime. Also because I can�t hang them outside, I hang them in my room on anything that I can. Our cieling fan is the best, but it only holds fourarticles of clothing. With Chris and my garments hanging everywhere it ispretty full. We have to lock our door and make sure to avoid the day thecleaning lady comes.I just had my touch football game before my test, but even an hour and a halflater I am still sweaty because it is so humid here.We went to a museum today about medical plants to finish the book that we aremaking for the ladies in the village. It was incredible all of the plantsthat can live here. They have a lot of knowlege of plants because here evenMontczuma had his medicinal garden and hospital of plants close to where I amat.I went to Puebla on Tues and on Wed by myself and taught English for two hoursand then videotapes these ladies talk about the plants. They all then triedto teach me Nahautl, their indian language. I have been learning a little butwhen I pronounced something wrong they all started laughing because the word Isaid meant vagina. I also was trying to say one of the names of the plantswhich is in thier language and I said take out your breast. Everybody hasthier double meanings. We had a good time laughing and then they fed mespicy, spicy mole. This town is famous for thier picante food. Everyoneknows this town because of they have the hottest food. Luckily for me, Idon�t get diarreah anymore and am accoustumed to spicy food.Well, good bye everyone. Congrats on the babies and stuff. Good luck, andcould someone call the parents and tell them to check thier email. I haveemailed them some stuff that I need answers to but they haven�t emailed meback. I don�t think they even know that I got my scholarship.

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