Thursday, June 8, 2006

Sawadii from Thailand

Hello Family,I arrived in Bangkok, and lost a day of my life in the process. I will never know where June 7 2006 went. It was only a 17 hour flight with a two hour in Taiwan from LA.We have gone to a couple of Buddhist temples and today is the King's birthday.There are going to be some pretty big parties I guess. Everyone is wearing yellow shirts to support the king and his face is everywhere. He has ruled for the last 60 years. There was a yellow shirt shortage and the government had to regulated prices on the shirts because people were getting taken advantage to support their king.Yesterday when we were on the metro, one of the girls that we are traveling fainted because of heat stroke. It was pretty scary. Everybody wanted to help and three people had smelling salts on them. We finally got her some where cool and got her gatorade and everything was alright.It is frustrating for both parties that none of us speak Thai. I am trying to learn some phrases. The taxi driver yesterday just laughed at me as I was practicing. THe only way that I found a way to email you is because "internet" is a universal word. Thank goodness for globalization.I hope everybody is doing alright.Scott

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