Sunday, July 31, 2005

Tela, Tegucigalpa, and Esteli Nicaragua

We�re back in Nicaragua tonight after an adventure and a half in Honduras. Wewent to the ruins and splurged by paying the $6 for a guide with some brits.It was incredible. I guess they were polygimi also. There were a lot of coolstatues and pyramids. I guess they didn�t have human sacrifices until one ofthier kings went to Mexico and saw that it was cool. The archeologists founda couple of pyramids under the current ones because the Mayan believed thatafter every 52 years that they had rebuild their religious structures. Thetemples that they felt were most holy they just built on top of them. We sawmacaws also.We then went to the beach in Tela Honduras. It is ironic that the whole timethat our friend Ty was here that it rained or was cloudy, but we had a greatday of sun, actually it was too sunny. Even though we put on tons of sunblockor SPF 50, we got fried. It hurts like a banshee to wear our back packs. Wewalked along the beach for about 2 miles. When we were walking back, one ofthe locals told us that it was dangerous to walk where there wasn�t a lot ofpeople or the tourist police because people had been asalted. We were prettyfreaked out and swam so we weren�t near the bushes where people could jumpout. I don�t know why anyone would assalt people on the beach because theydon�t carry a lot of money in their swimsuits. People all over the place inHonduras always talk about getting assalted. Today at church in Tegucigalpa,the bishop was suprised that we hadn�t had any problems. One lady told usthat she has been assalted three times, one time was on the ward temple trip.Honduras was a pretty place, but it is also so poor. Poorer than anything Ihave ever seen.The ward however today, was one of the strongest wards I have seen. Thechapel was packed, the talks were incredible, and the lessons even better.They were very friendly and warm towards us and even offered to take us in totheir homes. We met a senior couple from Utah serving there also. I wouldhave loved to been in that ward. We made our lovely trip across the bordertoday. We are sick of crossing borders, but we are almost back in Costa Rica.We are making our way to the beach in San Juan del Sur for tomorrow and Tuesto spend a couple of days trying to surf and boogie board. Then on Tues wewill go down to San Jose and fly out Wed morning. It is sad that it is comingto an end, but I am excited not to have to live out of a backback and wearclean clothes. Air conditioning will be nice too.Another little note, we met up with this beautiful brittish girl who istraveling by herself. She first went to Venezuela for two weeks and now sheis traveling up to Mexico to meet with her boyfriend. We had a great timewith her. I think that she is crazy though because she is gorgeous, blond,doesn�t speak Spanish and alone. Don�t let your daughters do that! She hasbeen fine though.Well, we will see you in a couple of weeks. Expect another email on Tues whenwe are in San Jose. We are calling Dad tonight and we don�t know Karen�snumber so Mom will have to talk to Dad.

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