Sunday, July 17, 2005

Greetings from Costa Rica

Here is a little note to make you wish that you weren't married with children.Paul, Ty and I are living it up here in the CR. We went to a couple of colonial towns and then yesterday we went to Tortuguero National Park. Most people fly, but we are traveling on a budget and so we took two buses and a boat. The boat ride was like the jungle ride at Disneyland but for real. There are plants on top of plants there is so much life here. We saw crocs, spider, howler and other monkeys,tons of different tropical birds and iguanas.We took a picture of a crock for Seth just like he asked. We met a man named Walter who is a Costa Rican teacher in the bus station. We became quick friends and when we told him that we were going to Tortuguero and that we were looking to camp instead of staying at a hostel, he offered his land. Also because he was on vacation, decided to come with us. He was supposed to go to San Jose to deliver some documents for his computer class that he teaches to get paid, but he rearranged his whole schedule to be with us. We got to stay in his village on the river, and have a very different and more personal experience than most tourists. We went on a tour last night to see the sea turtles making their nests. They use red lights to not desturb the turtles. These turtles are endangered because people kill them and sell their meat on the black market. so people volunteer to protect them during thier egging season. It was an awesome experience, I guess it was like watching when the grandbrats were born but in turtle form. I am joking. We also went to a Canadian/ Costa Rican refuge on the river where a bunch of hippies and scientist live to study the birds and plants of the forest. and do drugs in their freetime. It was cool. I would love to live their. The Croc that we saw lived right next to the place where we stayed and we got close enough to touch him. We didn't though because we would have lost a limb. We set up our tents underneath a palm thatched hut and slept by the beach. It was great.We took a 4 buses for 12 hour trip today. It took so long becuase we went through the pueblos. Paul is in heaven making tons of friends along the way. By the way, he is adjusting pretty well from the mission. We went swimming last night with a bunch of girls in their underwear. * Rawl don't tell Rachel have offended them.We are in the town of La Fortuna now. La Fortuna is at the base of the Volvano Arenal, it is one of the most active volcanos in the world. Right now we can see the red glow from the lava. We met up with some Isrealis and are going to take a night tour tomorrow. We are also going to do a rope swing into a hot spring tomorrow. We will email in a couple of days are next report.By the way Ty did come in fine, and his bags came in a day later. Also, fam, Ty's dad said that our parents internet is down, so please tell them about this.

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