Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Copan Honduras

We are now about ten minutes from the Guatemalan border in the city of CopanRuinas. We had a heck of a time to get here. We left Grenada Nicaraguayesterday morning, we then went to Managua, (we were pretty freaked outbecause of the horror stories that we have heard, so instead of spending theday there we took off) We then went through Ocotal, and then Las ManosNicaragua. I definitely have to say that I liked the people from northernNicaragua better than the south. They were incredibly friendly. We crossedthe border, which always sucks to have to go through customs, and changed ourmoney into Lempiras. (I know these are boring details but it was not that funeither.)When we crossed into honduras, it definitely felt different. They speak alittle different with different slang. They also have a little more positiveand outgoing spirit. We met a Brit couple who morgaged their apt and havebeen traveling all over south and central america for the last six months.They are going up through Mexico and the States and flying out of New York.It was great to talk to them. They found it amazing that we had roots fromall over. I tried to explain to them that is what happens when you live inthe U.S.We stayed in a great hotel last night in Tegucigalpa Honduras. Free Cable,two queen size beds and hot shower for $4 a person. We did however get alittle sick from the food we had last night. Our bus trip today was alsohell. It was 8 hours of a hot muggy bus. We didn�t get to sit by a windowfor about 5 of the hours and the people wouldn�t open them. Paul�s seat wasbroken, and because they sold too many tickets and there weren�t enough seats,this guy leaned on my headrest with half of his butt on my side of the chair.He also kept elbowing my head. Personal space is different here, and Idefinitely felt to culture clash.Part of the bus ride was on another retired school bus. This little 4 yearold kid in front of me kept playing with me. He would play the �"made youlook game" by telling me that there were dinosaurs, diploductis, andteradactyls behind me, and then when I would look he would slap me upside thehead. I would do the same back, and I hit harder. (I am joking) It waspretty funny.Copan is an awesome town with cobble stone streets and cool shops. We arestaying in another cool hotel for $3 tonight. This is a place that I thinkthe parents would enjoy, but you should rent a car instead of bus and comethrough Guatemala. It is tempting to go there because it is so close. Wehowever are not going.Well, we write again in a few days. We are going to see the ruins tomorrowand then off to the beach in Tela Honduras.

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