Tuesday, November 12, 2002

THis week in my life

just wanted to write a quick email telling you what is going on this week.They are having a farewell ceremony for all of the exchange students that isformal. They asked me and one of my friends to speak so we are making aspeach. Also, mom you will be so proud, but I am playing my harmonica toaccompany one of my classes in a song that we are singing for the ceremonytoo. We just got done practicing.I probably will be living with Paul next semester also. My friend Goph and Iare going to buy the contracts of two of his friends so they can go onmissions. However, I have my doubts because I have a 7:30 Organic CHem classevery mon wed and Fri. I then have biology, english, physics and institute.So I won�t be very happy with freshman that keep me up until 2 o�clock. But Ithink it will be good before Paul goes on the mission and I will also be ableto use his car.We didn�t have any cool adventure last weekend other than we went clubbing andon splits with the missionaries. It was quite a contrast. I also went to thebirthday of one of my friends. She is very well off and had a sit down dinnerfor 40 people. It was pretty impressive. Chris and I were the only gringos.Good luck everybody, and Mom if you could proofread that stuff that would begreat. Paul, I am also going to need you to some errands for me for ascholarship that i was nominated for. I send you the details later.Child #6 signing offScott

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