Monday, November 18, 2002

Sleeping in the streets

Let�s just say that this weekend was an experience. One of the members in ourward invited us to go with him and his family to the birthday party for hisgrandfather in a small village in Guerrero. We left a day earlier becausethey didn�t have room for us in their car. We first went to the bus stationand found out that we missed the first bus. We waited an hour for the secondand went to Chilpancingo. There we were supposed to take a taxi to adifferent village, however, there were only two taxi�s left and about 20people waiting in front of us. Also they wanted us to pay triple because ofthe night time. We figured that we probably missed the bus in the next townthat we had to take so we decided to stay the night in Chilpancingo. We atethere at a taco place, and talked to the missionaries. We then went to thebus station to find a place to sleep. I always bring a blanket on ouradventures luckily and use my back pack as a pillow. We were sleeping in thehallway when the security guard kicked us out. We then tried to find a churchto sleep on the grass. We looked around and finally when we were walking toone, we found a park that was next to a hospital and the red cross. It had anampitheater and we slept on the cement steps. The other parks that we foundsmelled like urine so we were happy about this one even though it was well litand there were a lot of people. It was hard for me to sleep literaly becausethe concrete was a little unforgiving, the lights and because I had slept onthe bus ride before. I also hid my money and my debit card in my shoe andtied my back pack around me just in case someone tried to rob us while we weresleeping. It was around 1:30 when I finally got to sleep, and we woke up at 4to get the first taxi in the morning. We then took the "bus" which was atruck bed with a roof on it to the next town. We then took a taxi to outdestination town.We got there and i crashed. We helped set up for the party. THe house wasincredible. I would like to have one like it one day because it had a hugefamily room where there were no protecting walls to the out side. They can dothat because it doesn�t get that cold. The town was nice too, but there wasgarbage all over the place and the cool river that cut through the rocks wasbrown with sewer. We shot sling shots at the pigs running wild all over theplace. It was good, but we ate so much that Chris and I got sick. We hadterrible gas so Chris suggested that we drank a glass of very concentratedwater with baking soda. I don�t know if you have every done that but it isdisgusting. We had a good time releasing our gases though. That nighthowever, we paid the price for our overeating. He was on the tolietdownstairs and i was on the toliet upstairs all night.The next day, we took it easy. We went to the ranch that the family owned.They rent out thier land to cattle ranchers so there were some cows out andabout. Also, on thier land they found some indian pottery and arrow heads.They had told some archeologists and they came took samples but never cameback. They gave us some shards that we found, nothing big but they areinteresting. I think the people at Mesa Verde would be angry but we didn�twant to offend our hosts.I am glad to be home for that reason. It is fun being a guest, but it feelsgood to be home. I like being able to eat what and when I like and do what Iwant and not feel obligated to anyone. Because I get sick when I am a guest.It was a good time and the parents drove us back in thier mini van. I had agood weekend. I hope you guys did to.

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