Thursday, October 24, 2002

Getting buzzed

have to tell you that even though a lot of things didn�t happen this weekendit was interesting. First, we stayed home to finish the book on MedicinalPlants all weekend. We got most of it done. Then we went to a birthday partyat 4 pm and I was excited because they were going to have food. We got theretoo late and all of the food was gone. There was only a lot of Birthday Cake.SO being hungry I went for the cake. A girl at the party told me that it wastoo strong for her. Another person told me that the cake was really strong andthat she couldn�t finish it. I thought that they ment that the chocolate wastoo rich. I pounded the cake. Later I found out that they weren�t talkingabout the chocolate but about the quantitiy of Rum in the cake. The peoplewho told me the cake was too strong for them were big drinkers too. I didn�trealize it when I tasted it but I felt dizzy and light headed. �Because itwas on an empty stomache and there was a lot of it and because I hadn�t tastedalcohol before it gave me a little buzz. Chris did it too. I thought thatalcohol burned out when you cook it but maybe they made this cake different.To think that the first time tasting alcohol was when I was clean shaven!!Beards don�t lead to other things Dad, cakes do.We also finished our book and gave a presentation in the town plaza to thehigh school and the women of the community. It was really great. However,really expensive to print the books. They look really nice and we probablyspent over 50 hours putting it together. But hey it was a good experience.It is interesting what Mexico will do to you. We have conversations with allof the students here about the color, texture and frequency of their bowlmovements. Luckily, I have been pretty good and only get sick when I eatjalepe�os. Also, my clothes are getting worn out from all of the handwashing. I have lost a lot of weight and I am not such a stress case. I thinkthat everyone needs a little mexico in their livesAlso Josh Wilkins who used to live in our ward is serving in the ward I goto. It was funny to see him.I know that this email is a little scattered but that is how my thoughts areright now. Congrats Dave and Michelle on #4. That is great!! I think it isgoing to be good to see all of these women with no belly buttons at christmas.And good luck stink and scott with your move to Oregon.

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