Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Another adventure in Mexico

Hello Family, That�s right, it is adventure time. Chris and I and a Finnishgirl named Ulrika went on a wild adventure this weekend. We first took a busto Mexico City where we had to travel to the other side of the city by metro.We ate lunch at this sandwhich place where this crazy lady was scratching herback with the knife that they used to cut the bread. She wouldn�t take ourorder and when a customer asked for a fork she got very defensive asking her,�why do you want a fork?� �did you order a fruit salad?� the customer saidthat it was for her potatoes, (which came with every meal.) The lady thanbegan to yell at her saying that nobody had ordered any potatoes. Thecustomer then tried to explain that it came with every meal. Well, it waspretty funny.We left the Mexico city and went to Queretaro. It was a small but beautifulcolonial city with cobblestone streets and great museums. I was jealous thatI didn�t study there. We stayed in a hostel and went to this club where theyhad all of these remakes of famous paintings and a live band. We sat next toa wall where the candles had dripped wax down the walls and they had thesecool masks. I felt like I was in the pirates of the Caribbean. It wasincredible. We say the table where they signed to take the west like Utahaway from Mexico and make it a part of the US and some cool archeologicalstuff. I took a lot of pictures so I had to buy a new roll of film for thenext city. By the way mom would be very happy. I brought my harmonica andplayed the whole trip. I even have to play it for one of my classes.Our next stop, we went to this huge worldwide Cervantes festival in one of themost beautiful city I have ever seen. It is about 5 hours from here, it iscalled Guanajuato. It is a colonial city that was founded by the Spaniards andit was the richest city in mexico for a long time. They found tons of gold andsilver there and so they decided to make it the most beautiful city. Europehere in Mexico. It looked a lot like the old cities on Spain. Skinny,cobblestone streets, balconies off of every building with geraniums all overthe place. It was really neat this time because of the Cervantes festival.People come from all over the world. There were tons of people all over thestreets singing and dancing. There were these groups of musicians that weredressed like the times of Shakespeare and they would rally people together andparade around the city with these groups of people singing and dancing andtelling stories and jokes and drinking. Mom would have liked it because itreminded me of when we went to Lagoon and she would make us follow themarching bands. This was a lot classier than Lagoon though. We followed a fewof them for a while. I took a lot of pictures but I just want everyone to comesee this place There were groups from Germany, Japan, Brazil, Argentina,Spain, and all over the world. Right when we got off the bus we met thisFrench guy who ended up sleeping in our room and hanging out with us the wholetime. There was no chance at getting a hostel room so a lot of families rentrooms at their houses. We stayed with a really nice family that just had asign on their house. It was cheap and pretty nice. We also met these cutegirls from San Luis Potosi. They had ironically wanted to stay in the sameplace we did, but when they went to go tell their friends about it, we wentand got the room. We ended up meeting them and spending the night and the nextday with them. We went and where the War of independence started in Mexico.It was cool. The Spanish were held up at this fort and it looked like theywere going to be able to withstand the rebel forces, when one of the soldierstied a rock to his back so they couldn�t kill him and lit the fort door onfire. Many of the Spanish died of the smoke and had to give up the fort.Later when the Spanish retook the city, they hung the heads of the rebelleaders, like Hidalgo, on the four corners of the building. It wasinteresting.We got back late Sunday night. IT was a fun trip.

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