Thursday, December 12, 2002


Hello everyone,I am in Guatemala today and we are going to see the ruins of Tikal tomorrow. It was an adventure to say the least. It is the Virgen of Guadalupe`s Birthday today so there wer tons of parades and torch runners in the street. We also in routre went to some pyramids that are very unknown. The role sheet said there were only 3 people who visited them the day before. The are in the jungle and still had clear paintings on the wall. It was great being the only ones there. It looks like a part out of the jungle book. We also to get to Guatemala had to take a bus to the river which fords the border and take a 30 minute boat ride to get to another port. We then had to take a 3 hour bus ride to get to the city. It is a lot poorer than Mexico here but it is incredibly beautiful. The city has a stake center and dirt streets but is right next to the river. It is quite an adventure. We meet people who have been travelling for six months and have been all over the world. Travelers are pretty different people. I just wonder how they can do it. It also looks like we are going to be here for three days because of problems with the bus schedule

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