Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brothers' Camping Trip

It is interesting growing up in a big family because sometimes you don't get to know all of your brothers and sisters as well as you would like. Even though you see each other at Sunday dinners, having a conversation more than 10 minutes is difficult becuase of grandkids and the chaos that accompany them. To make up for lost time, Paul decided to instigate a brothers' (and dad) camping trip to Canyonlands National Park. I can't remember the last time that I went camping with my older brothers. They were married before I graduted from high school. It was really great to get to know them again in a situation where they didn't have to worry about their kids.

Dad, Dave, Doug, Paul, Spencer and I headed down to Canyonlands in a motor home that Dave had arranged from his toy share. It was my first time being in a motorhome (except for Junior Prom which is another story) and I felt like we were driving in a mini motel room. It was great to have a table while we were driving because we could study for our finals (that were the next day) and play cards while driving. We got down to Canyonlands and ended up sleeping in the parking lot. The next morning we tried to drive to the trailhead for druid arch but realized that we couldn't take the motor home down the dirt road because there was no place to turn around. Dave tried to back up and a ranger lady yelled at him for driving over (or almost driving over) the cryptobiotic soil. We went back to the campground and parked which added an extra 4 miles to the already 11 mile hike. It was a pretty cool hike and an awesome arch. Even though I had been on the hike before (I was camping with 2 girls in Canyonlands which is also another story) I got us lost from missing a switch back. It was a nice hike except for I think that it might have been hard on Dad's knees and back.

We got back to the campground and played Phase 10. Because sometimes I have a hard time censoring what I say, said I was SOL and told Spencer F. U. (which we had been mouthing like we were going to fight through out the trip as a joke and it just continued.) Never the less I shocked Doug and Dave, which like I said have not been desensitized to me as Dad, Paul and Spencer have. It shocked them more than it had Dad. Paul ended up winning the game. It was a fun trip and I was happy and surprised when Dave asked what we were going to do the next year.

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