Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Barcelona, harmonica and sangria

Hello Everyone,

Webmail is down again so if you, mom and dad, don�t mind forwarding this to the family, I would appreciate it.

We are in the fabulous city of Barcelona! It was a hard journey but we got here. We had a night train experience, but it wasn't in sleeping cars but on seats that didn't recline. Paul, Marissa, and Emily sat by each other and a guy that smelled pretty bad.
I sat next to an older French woman and we didn't say a word to each other. I took a sleeping pill that night and was alright except for a group of people that got on the train at 4 am and decided to play a card game. They quieted down after they saw that they had woken me up. That night for dinner was pretty funny. We sat on our back packs in the train station and ate a block of ice cream and croissants.

Today, the train was delayed because it had rained and flooded one of the tracks that they were doing construction so we didn't get in to Barcelona until 10:30. It was still raining so we dropped the bags off with the girls in a parking garage and Paul and I found this sweet hostel with free Internet and free breakfast. We are in bunk beds with some finnish girls. After we dropped our stuff off, we went to discover the city. We went to the cathedral and fed the geese in the courtyard. We also went on a tour of the roof and got to see the cool city scape. We then went and had lunch and the waiters were pretty busy and ignored us because we just got sandwiches and rice pudding. We then went to a church that was nice to fall asleep in. We then took off to the beach but couldn't get in the water because the rain washed in all of the rubbish. It also smelled pretty bad. We then got empanadas and palmeras and I played my harmonica. As I was playing, a brittish woman threw 2 euros out of her hotel room balcony at me and asked me to keep going. I got kind of stage fright but played some songs for her. She then asked us if we wanted something to drink and then I said that we didn't drink. She told me that it was just lemon juice and grape juice "sangria" which I remembered was alcohol, but in Mexico has no alcohol in it. Paul went and caught it and I told him to take a swig and say "cheers." Well it actually had wine in it, and Paul did what I said so I told him the sin was on my head. We then went on a walk to find churros and chocolate but every store was closed. One restaurant got offended that I even asked them if they had it.

We are back in the hostel and getting ready to sleep. So good night and I will try not to get Paul too drunk tomorrow. I just wanted to write a couple of funny things that have happened her in Spain so far: Marissa said, "I can�t breathe real good, I think that it is the latitude (she meant altitude)" We are off to see the Gaudi architecture.

While in Barcelona, we went to the Gaudi Park unfortunately they were filming a Woody Allen movie so we didn't get to see the whole thing.

We also saw the Sacrada Famila, which is probably the coolest cathedral in the world because it has a lot of modern art type architecture. They had to keep rebuilding the cathedral because some people who were against religion would burn it down. It is still not completed but it will be pretty remarkable when it is.

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